chemical peel aftercare guide

Chemical Peel Aftercare: A Comprehensive Post-Treatment Guide

Whether you’re thinking about getting a chemical peel or are about to receive your first peel and wondering what the aftercare entails, this guide is for you. Chemical peel aftercare is an important step in the process. Chemical peels are one of the most common cosmetic dermatology treatments in the US used to improve skin texture and complexion. Proper aftercare is important for preventing breakouts, infection, and scarring. Before we dive into this chemical peel aftercare guide, let’s find out more about what to expect during a chemical peel treatment.Continue reading

dermatologist appointment faq at vujevich dermatology associates

Dermatologist Appointment FAQ

A list of dermatologist appointment frequently asked questions can help you feel prepared for your dermatology appointment, whether it’s your first appointment or you see a dermatologist regularly. While these are many of the common questions dermatologists are asked, this isn’t all of them. Below are general frequently asked appointment questions in addition to questions specific to our Pittsburgh dermatology locations here at Vujevich Dermatology Associates.Continue reading