laser treatment for the face - vujevich dermatology excel v laser

Laser Treatment for the Face: Benefits, Treated Conditions, and More

Laser treatment for the face is a common cosmetic procedure used to smooth your complexion and reduce the appearance of many skin conditions. In this blog, we’ll go over the laser treatment benefits, the side effects, and more for your skin.

What Conditions Can a Laser Treatment Target On the Face?

  • Rosacea

People with rosacea tend to flush or blush more easily, with the flush or blush concentrated on the cheeks and nose. However, redness from rosacea can affect the forehead, chin, ears, chest, and back too. 

Three to four rosacea laser treatments, each spaced about a month apart, can help reduce the redness of rosacea. The lasers cause the blood vessels just below the skin’s surface to shrink, leading to a reduction in the appearance of blood vessels and redness of the skin that is long lasting.

  • Sunspots

Sunspots, also known as liver spots, are flat brown spots that develop because of sun exposure. They’re most common in people with fair skin and people over 40. 

While there are a number of treatments available when you search for“how to get rid of sunspots,” the most effective treatment is laser skin treatment. Because laser treatments for the face targets the colors red and brown, you can treat your sunspots without damaging the surrounding skin.

  • Spider Veins

We develop spider veins, also known as varicose veins, when the one-way valves in our veins weaken, causing them to become damaged by extra blood in the vein. While some people prefer to treat spider veins because of their appearance, you may also opt to treat them as they can be painful or increase the possibility of blood clots or open sores. 

Laser skin treatment can cause small spider veins to disappear immediately after treatment, but it’s more common for spider veins to darken and then fade away over a three month period. To make most spider veins disappear, more than three treatments may be needed.

  • Vascular Lesions

Vascular lesion is an umbrella term for red or purple patches of blood vessels that have ruptured underneath the skin. Port wine stains and hemangiomas are common vascular lesions treated by laser skin treatment. Laser treatment can reduce the size of vascular lesions, as well as lighten the color of the vascular lesion, reducing its appearance overall.

  • Scars

Scars are formed when the skin is wounded, causing tissues to break and collagen to build up where the tissue is damaged. Collagen continues to form while the wound is healing, increasing the blood supply to the area and causing it to become raised and possibly lumpy. 

Laser treatment can minimize the appearance of scars by reducing redness and increasing collagen. Not only can laser treatment help reduce the appearance of scars, but it can also help reduce scar pain and itch, as well as increase your range of motion if your scar is limiting your movements.

Is Laser Treatment Good For Your Face?

There are some laser treatments that are good for your face. These laser treatments help refresh your complexion and improve many conditions, like those mentioned above.

There are different types of lasers used for different conditions though, and not all laser treatments can be used on your face. Talk with your dermatologist about your goals and expectations, and they can recommend the best treatment, whether it is laser treatment or another cosmetic procedure, such as a chemical peel

Side Effects of Laser Treatments for the Face

Most side effects from a laser skin treatment are mild. Common side effects of laser treatment for the face include milia (small white bumps that may appear during the healing process), swelling, bacterial infection, and cold sores if treated around the mouth. A less common side effect is scarring. 

How Long Does it Take for the Skin to Heal After a Laser Treatment?

It can take up to two weeks for your skin to heal following a laser treatment for your face. This is because collagen and skin cell growth take time. While two weeks may seem like a long recovery time, it’s shorter than other cosmetic procedures. 

You’ll first notice significant results after your two week recovery period is up. Approximately 30 days after your laser treatment is when you’ll notice areas of hyperpigmentation have faded and your skin’s texture is smoother. As your body produces even more collagen in the months following your laser treatment, you’ll notice scarring and wrinkles start to fade. 

Which Laser Treatment is Best For the Face? 

We recommend the Excel V laser for laser treatment for the face. It has the broadest set of capabilities, allowing it to treat the widest range of skin conditions on all skin types. 

The Excel V laser uses wavelengths of light to specifically target more than 20 variations of the colors red and brown. This means red blood cells and brown pigment cells in the targeted area absorb the laser energy, making the cells walls and brown pigment cells break down without damaging the surrounding skin. Over time, these broken down cells are eliminated through your body’s natural process.

How Painful is a Laser Treatment For the Face?

Most people consider laser treatment for the face more irritating than painful, comparing the pain to a rubber band snapping against the skin. After a few minutes of treatment, many people no longer feel this discomfort. There is usually no pain once your treatment is over. 

To ensure the most comfortable experience possible during your laser treatment, let your dermatologist know if you have any skin issues, chronic conditions, or pain sensitivity. Prepare your skin by drinking lots of water, avoid using hot water to wash your face, and use sunscreen (if you have a sunburn, laser treatment must be postponed). 

If you’re interested in learning more about laser treatment for your face, schedule an appointment with one of our highly trained dermatologists or contact our team at 412-429-2570. You can also follow us on Facebook to see what’s new in the world of dermatology. 

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