We provide Latisse here at Vujevich Dermatology Associates. Learn more about Latisse and some frequently asked questions below.
What is Latisse?
Latisse is an FDA-approved, topical medication designed to grow thicker, longer, and darker eyelashes after 8-10 weeks. Latisse treatment is very safe, but there are certain eye conditions that could prevent you from being a candidate. Our highly experienced team can help you determine whether Latisse is right for you.

Lashes prior to using Latisse and after 16 weeks of treatment. Photo has been provided by Allergan, the makers of Latisse. Lashes have not been retouched. This is only an example, individual results may vary.*
How does Latisse work?
How does Latisse work? That's a common question most patients have. Latisse is composed of a drug called bimatoprost. It was original used as an eye-drop for glaucoma, but it was noticed that patients using bimatoprost had significantly longer lashes. It is believed that Latisse lengthens the anagen phase of the hair cycle (the period when hair grows) and increases the number of hairs produced.
How do you use Latisse?
You apply Latisse by dabbing it on the upper lash line each night with the sterile applicators supplied. The drug spreads to your lower lash line automatically as you blink. You should never apply it in your eye. Before you apply Latisse, your face must be clean, and your makeup and contact lenses removed.
Always discard each applicator after one use of Latisse. Re-using applicators, even just once the next evening, can cause serious problems, such as an eye infection or allergic reaction. You should also apply it carefully, since Latisse may promote hair growth on other skin areas.
After two months of nightly use, you may begin to see results for thicker and longer eyelashes.* After three or four months, you may space out your treatments to every two days.
Can Latisse be used on lower lashes?
Simply put, Latisse should not be applied directly on lower lashes. This will help you avoid excess hair growth in unwanted areas. When you apply the treatment to your upper lashes, it spreads to your lower lash line automatically as you blink. Find out more about why Latisse on lower lashes is not recommended.
Can I wear mascara with Latisse?
Yes, you can wear mascara with Latisse. The medication is not meant to work in place of mascara. Although some people find they no longer need to apply mascara to have the lashes they desire, many still use mascara.
What happens if you stop using Latisse?
If you stop using Latisse, your eyelashes will gradually return to their former state. Over several weeks or months, they will slowly begin to lose the extra thickness, length, and color provided by the medication.
Is Latisse safe?
Latisse is a very safe medication, and it's one of the common cosmetic dermatology treatments we offer at Vujevich Dermatology Associates. However, you may not be a candidate if you have certain eye conditions such as uveitis, eyelid dermatitis, ocular hypertension, or glaucoma. You should check with your Ophthalmologist before starting the medication. In the clinical trials, very few people reported eye redness and itchiness. Darkening of the iris (the colored portion of the eye) has long been talked about as a potential side effect but was not reported in any of the Latisse studies.
Do I need a prescription for Latisse?
Yes, Latisse is a prescription medication. A doctor must prescribe it to assure proper treatment and use for those with insufficient or not enough lashes. Our dermatologists can prescribe Latisse here at Vujevich Dermatology Associates.
If you are interested in trying Latisse, please contact our office at 412-429-2570, mention it at your next appointment with us, or fill out our form below.