does microneedling work?

Does Microneedling Work?

You’ve seen microneedling all over the internet and in magazines, but does microneedling work? In short, yes. However, there are different variables that need to be considered. These variables include whether the procedure is completed at home or by trained professionals, the concern and area being treated, and more. But first, let’s talk about what microneedling actually is. 

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure used to improve the texture of your skin, including fine lines and wrinkles, pore size, and acne scarring. How is this different from other cosmetic procedures? Microneedling is minimally-invasive and is a safe and effective way to improve the texture of your skin. It also has little downtime. Although microneedling is mostly used on your face, it can be used to treat other areas of the body, such as the hands or neck. 

Does Microneedling Work?

Yes, microneedling does work and can be used to treat a number of skin concerns in many areas of the body. One of the main reasons for this procedure’s effectiveness is its use of the body’s healing response. While microneedling is considered safe for most people, it’s important to meet with a dermatologist to ensure you’re a good candidate for the procedure.

How Does Microneedling Work?

During a microneedling procedure, a special pen uses tiny needles to create holes, or “micro-injuries”, in the skin. These tiny holes minimize cellular damage while also stimulating the body’s natural wound-healing process by producing collagen and new skin cells. Collagen, which is a naturally occurring protein, helps the skin withstand stretching. The new skin cells help create a more even texture and tone.

Who is a Good Candidate for Microneedling?

If you are in overall good health, you have better odds of being a good candidate for microneedling. A consultation with your dermatologist can help identify if you’re a good candidate. If you have any of the following concerns, speak with a dermatologist before scheduling a microneedling procedure. 

  • Acne or treating acne with medication
  • A blood disorder or are prescribed anticoagulants (aka blood thinners)
  • Cancer and are being treated with radiation or chemotherapy
  • Frequent cold sores or skin rashes
  • Your skin forms hard, raised scars when healing
  • Skin growths, freckles, or moles that change in shape or size or bleed
  • Eczema or psoriasis

As with any cosmetic procedure, there are some risks. The most common side effects include redness and minor skin irritation immediately following a microneedling procedure. If more serious side effects occur, such as bleeding, bruising, or peeling, contact your dermatologist. 

What is Microneedling Used for?

There are many microneedling benefits to consider, but the five most common benefits are:

  1. Reducing fine lines and wrinkles, 
  2. Reducing acne scars
  3. Shrinking pores
  4. Diminishing the appearance of sun damaged patches 
  5. Reducing the appearance of stretch marks

Collagen is the common factor among many of these microneedling benefits. While your skin is healing, collagen is produced and rises to the surface of the skin. The accumulation of new collagen fills in fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, and shrinks pores. In addition to collagen helping to improve the texture of your skin, it can also improve your skin’s radiance by minimizing the appearance of sun spots and stretch marks. 

How Many Sessions of Microneedling Do You Need to See Results?

Because microneedling uses the body’s repair systems to improve the skin’s appearance, results are not immediate. And while you may see some improvements following one session, most people need a series of three or four treatments to maximize their results. On the plus side, microneedling is minimally invasive and has little downtime.

How Long Do Results from Microneedling Last? 

The exact length your results last will depend on your age, skin type, and how well your skin responds to treatment. And while microneedling permanently increases the amount of collagen in the treated areas, the aging process will continue to occur. Some patients will schedule quarterly or semi-annual treatments to maintain maximum results.

What Can I Expect from a Microneedling Procedure?

Before a microneedling treatment, your dermatologist will examine your skin and discuss your medical history and your goals for the treatment. Pictures may be taken to compare your skin before and after microneedling.

During the procedure appointment, your skin is cleansed and a numbing medication is applied. The medication sits for 20-30 minutes and then the skin is cleansed again. A cool gel is applied to the areas to be treated and then the microneedling pen is passed over the skin. Many suggest the procedure feels as if an electric toothbrush is being used on the skin. A treatment typically takes 15 minutes depending on the size of the area.

Microneedling Aftercare Details

Following the recommended microneedling aftercare is essential to see optimal results. After the initial 8 hours have passed, you can rinse your face with lukewarm water. For the first 24 hours, do not apply anything to skin (including soap) and avoid the sun. 

Once 24 hours have come and gone, you can begin to use a gentle, non-exfoliating cleanser and a light, calming moisturizer. You can also resume wearing makeup. Avoid using facial brushes as they can irritate your skin and reopen the micro injuries in your skin.

Because of the tiny holes in your skin, and being unable to use harsh cleansers, we recommend avoiding intense exercise and sweating. Since you are not able to wash away the bacteria, and with your pores open, more bacteria can accumulate inside them.

Although you might have een in-home microneedling equipment in the stores, you’ll get the best and safest results from a microneedling treatment when trained professionals complete the procedure. The needles in the equipment used for in-home treatments are shorter and duller, resulting in less significant results. 

If you’re wondering more about how well microneedling works or if you’re a good candidate, contact our offices today. Our highly-trained dermatologists can discuss the treatment and help you decide whether microneedling works for you. You can reach our team at 412-429-2570 or visit our contact page to see all of our locations. You can also follow us on Facebook to see what’s new in the world of dermatology. 

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