teledermatology visits at vujevich dermatology

Now Offering Virtual Teledermatology Visits at Vujevich Dermatology

Updated 7/2/21

At Vujevich Dermatology Associates our patients’ and employees’ safety are our top priority. We continue to closely monitor developments in the COVID-19 pandemic and follow guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Since our last COVID-19 update, we’ve made some additional office updates that we want our patients to be aware of.

We are working at full capacity now but still offer virtual teledermatology appointments.

To help you follow important social distancing guidelines, we are offering our patients virtual telemedicine visits with our providers. This allows you to address your skin concerns without leaving your home. Here are the steps to take:

  • Call your insurance company to verify coverage of telederm visits prior to calling to schedule (some insurances are not covering any telederm that does not pertain to Covid related issues)
  • Call our office at 412-429-2570 to schedule your teledermatology appointment or contact us here.
  • Our phone schedulers will set up an appointment time and verify your insurance information.
  • At your scheduled time you will be asked to follow an email or text link to our virtual waiting room to be seen by your provider. You will need a smart phone, tablet, or computer with internet and camera access.

We are working hard to meet your skincare needs and look forward to when we can see you in the office again. Until then, please follow social distancing recommendations from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and stay well.


The Vujevich Dermatology Associates Team

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