chemical peel benefits

4 Chemical Peel Benefits (and the Conditions that Make You a Candidate for One!)

Chemical peels are one of the most popular cosmetic dermatology treatments available. During a chemical peel, a chemical solution is applied, which exfoliates the skin. The exfoliated skin will eventually peel off, exposing new and rejuvenated skin. While this new and rejuvenated skin is the best known chemical peel benefit, there are many others. 

Do you know the different chemical peel benefits and the conditions that you make you a good candidate for one? Let’s find out!

Chemical peel benefits

There are many chemical peel benefits that have caused chemical peels to become as popular as they are today. Some of the most common benefits include minimizing acne and acne scarring, as well as minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. These are just a couple of the benefits you can gain from a chemical peel. Let’s learn some additional chemical peel benefits.

  • Reduce acne and acne scarring

One of the most common benefits of chemical peels are reducing acne and minimizing acne scarring. Chemical peels help reduce current (and future) acne breakouts by unclogging your pores, breaking down clogged hair follicles, and killing bacteria. Chemical peels also reduce inflammation and decrease oil production. Chemical peels help minimize acne scarring by exfoliating the top layer of your skin, which removes excess collagen (what makes up the bumpiness that creates acne marks).

  • Reduce signs of aging

Listing “reduce signs of aging” as a chemical peel benefit may sound a bit vague, but there are many ways chemical peels can help make your skin look younger. Chemical peels can help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and liver spots. They can also help with uneven skin tone, dry skin, and rough skin. But how? 

During the healing process following a chemical peel, the body is triggered to produce collagen and elastin. This production of collagen and elastin make the new skin strong and supple, minimizing the changes in your skin due to aging.

  • Reduce hyperpigmentation

A number of things can be categorized under the term hyperpigmentation, and many of these can be minimized by a chemical peel. Hyperpigmentation that can be minimized by chemical peels include freckles, scars, melasma, and sun damage. Similar to how chemical peels reduce acne scarring, they reduce hyperpigmentation by exfoliating the top layer of skin to trigger the growth of new, smoother skin.

  • Boost your skincare products

Chemical peel benefits aren’t just about reducing the appearance of common skin concerns. Benefits also include giving your skincare products a boost. Chemical peels remove the dull surface skin cells, which allows new skin cells to grow and boost collagen production. With the dead skin cells removed, you’ll notice your skincare products are able to penetrate the skin’s surface better.

The 3 types of chemical peels

There are three types of chemical peels, and the skin concern you’re looking to treat will determine which chemical peel is right for you. The first available chemical peel is the lunchtime or superficial chemical peel. During a superficial chemical peel, a mild acid is used to penetrate the outer layer of skin to gently exfoliate it. Benefits of this option include improved appearance of mild discoloration and acne.

Medium peels are used to penetrate the outer and middle layers of your skin. During this peel, glycolic or trichloroacetic acid is used to remove damaged skin cells. Medium peels improve age spots, wrinkles, and treat some precancerous growths.

The third option, which uses general anesthesia, is the deep peel. Deep chemical peel benefits include a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles, shallow scars, and freckles. The two options for chemical peels in Pittsburgh offered in our Pittsburgh dermatology offices are the lunchtime peel and the medium peel.

Are chemical peels safe?

Chemical peels are safe if done by trained and certified professionals. However, there is the possibility of side effects that should be taken into consideration. Temporary or permanent discoloration is possible on darker skin tones.

For patients who have a history of cold sores, chemical peels can cause cold sores to recur. Let your dermatologist know if you have a history of cold sores. An anti-viral medication can be prescribed to reduce the possibility of a cold sore.

While chemical peels are generally safe, peels are not recommended for people who are pregnant or nursing, have inflamed skin (from acne or a sunburn), or people taking isotretinoin (formerly known as Accutane). Speak to your dermatologist about possible risks in addition to the chemical peel benefits to decide if a chemical peel is right for you.

Is a chemical peel right for you?

You may be excited to schedule an appointment for a chemical peel, but will a chemical peel be beneficial for you? If you have any of the following concerns, speak to one of our board-certified dermatologists to discuss chemical peels as a treatment option for your specific concerns.

Any type of scars on the face are a major concern for many people. You may be unaware of the option to use chemical peels to reduce the appearance of these scars. Chemical peels are also beneficial in reducing the appearance of hyperpigmentation and melasma. Melasma is a common skin condition characterized by brown to greyish patches present on the skin.

Sun damaged skin, whether that be discoloration or precancerous growths, can be treated using chemical peels. Chemical peels most commonly treat aging skin and wrinkles. The exfoliation caused by the chemical peel brings rejuvenated skin to the surface – creating a fresh-faced look.

While there are many chemical peel benefits that target the concerns mentioned above, it is important to remember that results are not immediate. Your skin can take up to 14 days to heal based on the type of peel you receive and how closely you follow the chemical peel aftercare recommended by your dermatologist. Depending on the severity of your concerns, chemical peel benefits can be seen after one treatment. For best results, a series of 3 to 4 chemical peels spaced a month apart are suggested.

Contact our offices today to discuss your cosmetic dermatology options, including chemical peels. Vujevich Dermatology Associates offers medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology from some of the most highly trained physicians and clinicians in the greater Pittsburgh area.  You can reach our team at 412-429-2570 or visit our contact page to see all of our locations. You can also follow us on Facebook to see what’s new in the world of dermatology.

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