fall skin care routine

5 Ways to Enhance Your Fall Skin Care Routine

Fall is finally upon us. Did you know that water in the air can affect the hydration of your skin? So, the less humid atmosphere in the fall can dehydrate your skin and possibly worsen skin conditions for some. The shift in weather means our skin must adapt, so it’s important to stay up to date on your fall skin care routine as well. Now that the new season is here, make sure your skin care routine is up to date with the changes in the weather. Here are 5 ways to enhance your fall skin care routine to combat the seasonal changes!

Tip #1: Use a cleanser that’s right for your skin type.

One of the easiest tips to follow is to use a cleanser that’s right for your skin type. All skin types are different, so naturally, certain cleansers can work better for you than others. For example, for normal to oily skin, it’s recommended to use a cleanser that helps remove any oil or dirt clogging your pores. Vu Skin System’s Active Skin Cleanser is perfect for penetrating pores to remove any acne-causing bacteria hiding in there. On the other hand, those with dry skin should consider using a cleanser that doesn’t dry out the skin more, but instead gently cleanses and provides the essential nutrients it needs. A Deep Pore Cleanser helps restore your skin’s natural balance to prevent dryness-caused wrinkles and is good for all skin types.

Tip #2: Continue to protect your skin from the sun.

Even though summer has ended and we’ll have less sunny days, harmful UV rays can still penetrate and cause damage to your skin. So, it’s necessary to not only continue moisturizing as part of your fall skin care routine, but also protect your skin from things like skin cancer and other sun damage. Vu Skin System’s Essential Daily Moisturizer with SPF 30 can do just that: the two-in-one moisturizer gives your skin the hydration it needs as well as protects it from these harmful UV rays. This combination ensures your skin doesn’t get too dry in the colder months and also keeps you safe from the sun.

Tip #3: Use hand and foot cream to avoid cracking skin.

Along with using a proper moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and protected, another great product to add to your fall skin care routine is a hand and foot cream. We recommend Vu Skin System’s Hand and Foot Creme which is an anti-aging cream formulated to relieve dry hands and feet, making it the perfect product to protect your skin during the fall and winter. Because these areas are more prone to cracking, it’s important to give them the same attention that you give your face in order to achieve smoother, younger looking hands and feet. Using a proper hand and foot cream will give you the protection you need and leave your hands and feet smelling great.

Tip #4: Get a humidifier.

One final (but very important) thing you can add to your fall skin care routine is a humidifier. A patient concern that we often see during the fall and winter months is itchy skin. Most of the time, it’s due to dry and dehydrated skin. While moisturizing creams are important and can be useful for rehydrating, a humidifier is another easy way to give your skin the essential moisture it needs. Running a humidifier when you go to bed can help combat dry skin and itchiness, making it a great thing to have to enhance your fall skin scare routine.

Tip #5: Consider other treatments or procedures.

If you have any other skin conditions you want to treat, we offer a variety of treatments and procedures at Vujevich Dermatology Associates. From simple treatments like a chemical peel to long-term procedures like laser skin treatment, there’s a lot that you can do to keep your skin looking its healthiest this fall. Schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified Pittsburgh dermatologists to see how you can look and feel your best this season.

Vujevich Dermatology Associates offers medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology from some of the most highly trained physicians and clinicians in the greater Pittsburgh area.  You can reach our team at 412-429-2570 or visit our contact page to see all of our locations. You can also follow us on Facebook to see what’s new in the world of dermatology.

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