coolsculpting vs sculpsure

CoolSculpting® vs SculpSure: What’s the Difference?

You eat right and exercise, but you still can’t quite seem to shake that extra bit of fat around your stomach, thighs, or chin. It’s a common—and annoying—problem many people face. A CoolSculpting® procedure can help reduce stubborn subcutaneous fat up to 25% in nine troublesome regions. You may be wondering about the differences between CoolSculpting® vs SculpSure, so we’ll dive into the topic below.

Two non-surgical and FDA-approved procedures used to reduce stubborn fat are CoolSculpting® and SculpSure. There are differences between CoolSculpting® vs SculpSure, but they do share certain similarities. Both procedures:

  • Are not weight loss procedures, but are a safe non-surgical alternative to liposuction.
  • Reduce fat through the process of lipolysis, which is the breakdown of fat. Fat cells are then removed from the body as waste.
  • Are non-invasive with little to no downtime post treatment.
  • Are FDA approved.
  • Are fast procedures with little discomfort.

So, which procedure is right for you? Before we delve into differences between CoolSculpting® vs SculpSure, we must first understand why it is so difficult to lose fat in certain areas.

Fat Reduction vs Weight Loss

Fat reduction and losing weight are two different things. While losing weight when needed can be highly beneficial to your health, it doesn’t guarantee a shapelier and contoured physique. Fat reduction can change the contours and shape of your body.

The number of fat cells you have is determined in childhood and early adolescence. This number typically doesn’t change through adulthood and is specific to you, like your fingerprints. When you gain weight, fat cells expand, causing the area of your body where the fat cells are located to also expand. When you maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen, fat cells shrink giving a trimmer shape. Fat cells will expand again when these healthy habits end, causing unwanted bulges in your figure.

Differences between CoolSculpting® vs SculpSure


Both CoolSculpting®  and Sculpsure are non-surgical fat reduction procedures. Bear in mind that fat cells do not like extreme temperatures. CoolSculpting® delivers precisely controlled cooling to stubborn fat cells. The cells then freeze and die by a process called cryolipolysis. After cells die, your body naturally eliminates the dead cells in two to six months after treatment resulting in 20-25% reduction of fat per treated area.

SculpSure uses a laser to target fat cells under the skin without affecting the skin’s surface. The laser raises the temperature of the cells, subsequently damaging their structural integrity. After, the damaged cells are removed via the lymphatic system.

Treatment Areas

CoolSculpting® is FDA approved to treat nine areas: submental (under the chin), submandibular (under the jawline), thigh, abdomen, flank, bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks, and upper arm. SculpSure is only approved to treat five areas: submental, abdomen, flank, back, and thighs.


While cost per treatment varies based on location, provider, and treatment area, CoolSculpting® is generally 25% less expensive than SculpSure.

Time on the Market

FDA approved in 2010, CoolSculpting® is the market standard for non-surgical fat reduction and has a patent on all fat-freezing technologies. The procedure has been performed more than four million times in over 80 countries, making it a very safe procedure. SculpSure is relatively new, earning FDA approval in 2016.

Proven Results

Since CoolSculpting® has been FDA approved longer than SculpSure, there are numerous clinical studies showing the procedure’s effectiveness. This includes longitudinal results that show CoolSculpting® has lasting, if not permanent, results. Since SculpSure is still relatively new, long term side effects and efficacy are still unknown.

The differences between CoolSculpting® vs SculpSure are clear. Both are safe, non-invasive fat reduction procedures, but CoolSculpting® remains the proven market standard for non-surgical fat reduction procedures with proven results. Therefore, we recommend and perform this particular procedure at Vujevich Dermatology.

Vujevich Dermatology Associates is committed to providing individualized cosmetic dermatology plans and treatments for natural-looking results. Our board-certified Pittsburgh dermatologists want to help you achieve the sculpted physique you’ve always wanted by reducing stubborn pockets of body fat with CoolSculpting®. To book your free consultation today, visit CoolSculpting® Pittsburgh.

Vujevich Dermatology Associates offers medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology from some of the most highly trained physicians and clinicians in the greater Pittsburgh area.  You can reach our team at 412-429-2570 or visit our contact page to see all of our locations. You can also follow us on Facebook to see what’s new in the world of dermatology.

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